Providing nonprofit, public,educational soccer development and competition

Our Mission

Guided by shared values of transparency, inclusiveness, integrity, diversity and tradition and as a member of the US Soccer family, Kansas State Soccer Association’s mission is to:

  • Administer, develop and promote participation in adult soccer within the United States through a safe and positive playing experience at all levels.
  • Identify, model and facilitate adoption of governance and administrative best practices for member organizations.
  • Promote the vision and all activities of the Kansas State Soccer Association and its member organizations to make “Soccer­­- your game for life.”
  • Assist member organizations and local communities in developing, improving and securing quality soccer fields and facilities.
  • Provide competitions and programs that encourage participation and growth of member organizations.
  • Promote quality and consistency in education, training and certification of referees, coaches and administrators.
  • Develop, strengthen and promote a unified soccer community.

Extraordinary Experiences

Kansas State Soccer Association offers numerous benefits to its members that expand beyond just the leagues and clubs.  We want to help your organization provide the best soccer services to your community.  There are opportunities for clubs, coaches, and players to benefit with membership of our association.  Review the information below about benefits of becoming a member of Kansas State Soccer Association and join one of our leagues today!

Our Core Values

Our core values are directly linked to our vision, fuel our passion to keep focused on our membership, shape the way we work with our customers, and drive our decision-making process.  We shall accomplish this by: 

Kansas State Soccer Association, Inc. (KSSA) is a member of the U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) and United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA), and  is officially recognized as the sanctioned adult soccer organization for the state of Kansas. It is a not-for-profit Kansas corporation, allowing tax deductible donations and contributions to the fullest extent of the law. Kansas State Soccer Association is organized to provide nonprofit, public educational soccer development and competition.  Its leadership consists of a volunteer Board of Directors who represent all parts of the state.